U40 World Forum, 12-14 June

The German Commission for UNESCO and the International Federation of the Coalitions for Cultural Diversity, jointly organised the “U40 World Forum” (12-14 June 2009). As a pre-conference, it was held back-to-back with the Conference of Parties of the 2005-UNESCO Convention on the Protection and the Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expression in June 2009.

Group photo of participants during the U40 World Forum in Paris 2009.

“Proposals for Cultural Diversity 2030″

“Proposals for Cultural Diversity 2030″ were collaboratively developed by 50 young professionals on culture from 34 countries, each active members of civil society during the U40-World Forum (12-14 June 2009). These proposals are addressed to delegates from State Parties and Observers to the 2nd Conference of Parties (June 2009) to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005).
Proposals for a Cultural Diversity 2030

Based on a worldwide Call for Contribution, posted under UNESCO’s Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity and followed by a thorough international selection process, an excellent group of 50 very capable young participants from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Northern America and the Arabic Region had been identified.

The meeting in Paris was composed of the U40-World Forum (12-14 June 09) and the participation at the 2nd Conference of Parties to the Convention on the Diversity for Cultural Expressions (15-16 June 09). The participants attended the Conference of Parties as observers, registered through respective delegations of State Parties, intergovernmental organisations and/or NGOs. A “Chatham House conversation” on Cultural Diversity 2030 after the closing of the Conference of Parties at the UNESCO headquarters allowed to present the U40ies’ work with the Convention and the “Proposals for a Cultural Diversity 2030″.

Documents of the U40-World Forum 2009

Executive Summary of the U40 World Forum Report
Conclusions of the Chatham House Dialogue on Cultural Diversity 2030

The U40-World Forum was funded by the Spanish Ministry for Culture, Canadian Heritage, Catalan Government, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture, Canadian National Commission for UNESCO, Finnish National Commission for UNESCO, French Coalition for Cultural Diversity

In collaboration with and thanks to the support of: UNESCO, German Permanent Delegation to UNESCO, Interarts Foundation, Commonwealth Foundation, Asia Europe Foundation, European Cultural Foundation, UNESCO Office Bamako, UNESCO Office Abuja, German Foreign Office, Hungarian Ministry for Culture, Austrian National Commission for UNESCO, French National Commission for UNESCO, Canadian Delegation to UNESCO, Delegation of Côte d’Ivoire to UNESCO, Delegation of Nigeria to UNESCO, Delegation of Finland to UNESCO, Delegation of France to UNESCO, Delegation of Bangladesh to UNESCO, Delegation of the Netherlands to UNESCO, Delegation of Croatia to UNESCO, Delegation of Viet Nam to UNESCO, Delegation of Luxembourg to UNESCO, Delegation of China to UNESCO, Delegation of Brazil to UNESCO, Delegation of South Africa to UNESCO, European Commission, United Cities and Local Governments, International Network for Cultural Diversity, International Music Council, Traditions for Tomorrow, UNESCO-NGO Liaison Committee.