Since its beginning in 2007, more than 100 young experts have participated in the U40 Network at one time or another. All of them have gone through a competitive selection process. Two European (2007, 2008), one global (2009) and two regional (2010, 2013) Call for Contributions and Participation have been realised by the German Commission for UNESCO and/ or the International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity.
While the first Call was still very broadly oriented towards the notion of cultural diversity, the second Call specified three main areas which had to be addressed by the applicants. The third and fourth Call had a more pro-active approach. Applicants were not only asked for their motivation and personal contribution to the programme but also to contact respective National Commissions for UNESCO, responsible Ministries and, where existing, National Points of Contact and Coalitions for Cultural Diversity concerning the state of the ratification and/or implementation of the Convention in their home countries. The Calls were distributed through the network of National Commissions, Coalitions for Cultural Diversity, through UNESCO’s website as well as relevant national, regional and transregional newsletters and websites.
Since 2012, interested people can apply for participation in the U40 Network at any time. Want to join – send us a message!